Paramedical Skin Care

Skin analysis methods are neede inorder to give the knowledge we are require to determine the state of the skin.

It is highly recommended to book in for a skin analysis consultation before starting any facial treatments. This will enable the therapist to make personalized recommendations based on the needs of your skin.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Synthetic (man made) acids/peeling agents require buffering (stabilizing of the acidity pH) using chemical agents in order to
stabilize. Buffered acids are used by some companies for in-salon treatments and home care (not used by RegimA). Synthetic acids
such as synthesized glycolic, are cheaper to manufacture. Certain chemicals may have an irritating effect in certain skins. Synthetic
acids can cause a short, sharp, shock to the skin. When this occurs one may experience superficial peeling, however, there is no longterm
therapeutic action. Natural AHAs do not require any chemical intervention to stabilize, are more easily absorbed and cell
regeneration is enhanced with more rapid healing and without irritation. RĂ©gimA only uses NATURAL acids so NO chemical
buffering is required & therefore there are no potential side effects

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